March 15, 2018


My experience with DPDR is only that now, an experience. While it has shaped who I am, I wouldn’t say it dominates my life. What does dominate my life is the fact that I’m still in the closet about being trans (MtF). The only people who really know are typically close friends, and it’s not for a lack of support. My parents would most likely totally support me, it’s more-so crippling anxiety. Read more

June 25, 2017

A Chilling Lack of Discomfort Part 1

Depersonalization and being Transgender. A lack of identity, and feeling psychically disconnected from my body, combined with a sense of being born the wrong gender presents an interesting mix of feelings, or lack thereof. Normally one would expect a transgender person to be unhappy with their birth sex, and yes, while I’m generally dissatisfied being in a male body, over the years the feeling that I’m “connected” with my physical body has more or less eroded away. Read more

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