February 2, 2018

Chasing Exhaustion

I’ve been emotionally exhausted for quite a while. After being seemingly ghosted by my most recent partner, I just don’t feel anything. Sure for a while I did feel sad and such, but, now I just feel tired. I suppose going from one relationship to the next has grown old. I’d rather cherish strong meaningful friendships at the moment. I really have no incentive to jump head-first into yet another relationship.

Observations From Tired Eyes

This in in stark contrast to a close friend of mine. They’re looking to get into a relationships with someone, which there’s nothing wrong with that. Though as they’ve been talking to me, their desperation has become abundantly clear. After not having someone in 2 years I can understand wanting to jump back in, but, what I’ve seen it do to them is terrible. The spectrum of emotions I sometimes see within the span of a few hours or days terrifies me. They can go from feeling hopelessly melancholy to being on top of the world, to annoying if not sometimes scary levels of anger. Going from one emotional extreme to the next isn’t healthy.

I remember going through a very similar thing myself, but, I eventually grew out of it. Becoming sick of the repeated heartbreak. To be fair though, my experience was drawn out over a number of years and relationships.

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